The distance up to Baku: 323 km
Transport through the Baku-Lankaran-Lerik bus, Baku - Lerik train
It is located on the top of the Talysh Mountains. Buludul (district center 20 km) and Zarinqala (17 km) natural recreational areas are very famous. There are rare springs here.
In addition to the unique nature of this region the unique culture and ancient history makes it famous. It is assumed that the men of the Stone Age lived in the caves found here. There are numerous historical monuments in the region. Khoja Seyed mausoleum in the village of Khoja abode (XIV century), Lulakaran village mosque (XIX century), Mistan village, ancient habitation located in "Qızyurdu" site, 2438 m above sea level, village of Tomb of Baba Isa in the Mondigah, Pir Yusif Mausoleum near the village of Kekonu, Jabir mausoleum located on the road from Lerik to Jangamiran village of (XII - XIV centuries), etc.
Guest House for tourists functions in the center of the region.
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