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Volcano Travel Agency

Travel destinations

MASALLI tour_region-11-thumb.jpg

The distance up to Baku: 232 km
Means of transport: Baku – Masalli, Ganja - Masalli, Mingachevir - Masalli, Ali Bayramli (Shirvan) – Masalli, ...

ISMAYILLI tour_region-12-thumb.jpg

Distance up to Baku: 185 km
Means of transport: Baku - Ismayilli bus
One of the most picturesque corners of Azerbaijan is Ismayilli region.
Besides ...

SHAMAKHI tour_region-13-thumb.jpg

The distance up to Baku - 135 km
Means of transport: Baku - Shamakhi bus
Shamakhi is considered the center of Shirvan. The city was ...

GANJA tour_region-14-thumb.jpg

The distance up to Baku: 375 km
Means of transport: - Baku - Ganja (by plane),  Baku-Tbilisi, Baku-Agstafa trains, Baku-Ganja bus
Ganja is Azerbaijan's ...

NAFTALAN tour_region-15-thumb.jpg

The distance up to Baku: 330 km
Naftalan is a city in the west of Azerbaijan. Its population is 10000 people. One of the best health spa and hotels Chinar Hotel ...


During 1920-1923 it was called as Nakhchivan Soviet Socialist Republic, in 1923-1924 as Nakhchivan Autonomous region, in 1924-1990 as Nakhchivan Autonomous Soviet ...